Career Profile

Coming soon.


Lead Developer

2017 - Present
EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Lead Developer (Control System Front End)
Architecture, Design, Test and Commissioning of the MedAustron Control System
Design, Development, Test and Commissioning of Front-End Devices (mainly LabVIEW/FPGA on PXIe)
Support for Operation and Commissioning of the MedAustron Synchrotron Particle Accelerator

Deputy Group Leader

2014 - 2017
EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Group Lead (deputy July 2014 - August 2016, acting group lead September 2016 - September 2017)
Architecture, Design, Test and Commissioning of the MedAustron Control System
Design, Development, Test and Commissioning of Front-End Devices (mainly LabVIEW/FPGA on PXIe)
Support for Operation and Commissioning of the MedAustron Synchrotron Particle Accelerator

Beam Diagnostics Engineer

2013 - 2014
EBG MedAustron GmbH, Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Systems Design (distributed measurement systems, motion systems)
Embedded Software Design (LabVIEW/FPGA on PXI)
Data Acquisition Systems Design
Signal Processing and Analysis

Beam Diagnostics Engineer

2010 - 2014
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Systems Design (distributed measurement systems, motion systems)
Embedded Software Design (LabVIEW/FPGA on PXI)
Data Acquisition Systems Design
Signal Processing and Analysis

Instrument Engineer

2008 - 2010
RED Bernard GmbH, Vienna, Austria

Systems Design (distributed measurement and monitoring systems)
Software Design (measurement, monitoring and data analysis applications in LabVIEW)
Web Application Design (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript)
Hardware Design (analogue circuits)

Instrument Engineer

2005 - 2008
Bernard Ingenieure GmbH, Vienna, Austria

Systems Design (distributed measurement and monitoring systems)
Software Design (measurement, monitoring and data analysis applications in LabVIEW)


Coming soon.


Machine Learning assisted Beam Commissioning for the MedAustron Accelerator Complex
Anton Kerschbaum-Gruber
Master's thesis, 2021
Development and Implementation of a new Emittance Analysis Application for the MedAustron Injector Complex
Anton Kerschbaum
TUW project paper (unpublished), 2018
Integration of beam diagnostics devices for a therapy accelerator
Tuma, Samo, Joze Dedič, Anton Kerschbaum, Matej Klun, Fadmar Osmić, Matjaz Repovž, Jose Sanchez Arias, and Luka Šepetavc
5th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'14), Dresden, Germany, June 15-20, 2014
Profile grid monitor and first measurement results at the Medaustron accelerator
Repovz, M., F. Osmic, G. Burtin, A. Gyorgy, S. Schwarz, and A. Kerschbaum
2nd International Beam Instrumentation Conference, Oxford, UK, Sep 16-19 Sep, 2013
Overview of the Beam diagnostics in the MedAustron Accelerator: Design choices and test Beam commissioning
F Osmic, M Repovz, A Gyorgy, M Feurstein, A Kerschbaum, S Schwarz, G Burtin
3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, May 20-25, 2012

Skills & Proficiency




Data Acquisition

Data Analysis

Machine Learning

Systems Design and Architecture

Software Engineering

Requirement Engineering

Project Management